Friday, May 27, 2011

The Grand Opening.

This is the Grand Opening. You're going to be impressed.

Really impressed.

Look at the background image. See the boats? This is serious business. Want to know how serious it is? I even have an "" widget near the bottom.

Yes, I said that to intentionally draw you to giving me money. No, you don't have to.

But you're going to love all the amazing content I post and articles I find. All of it has to do with the singular concept of travel. This does include: helpful how to guides, questions and answers, what products you NEED to get, what programs you NEED to enroll in, how to get the best deals on near anything, and informational tidbits useful for the present, near-future, and far-future.

It's going to be an awesome ride, whether you're in the air, on a train, a ship, or just sitting at home looking for ideas on your next family vacation.

So I suggest you click the "Follow" button, or follow me by entering your email address in my widget on the right side of the page, and view the material I already have posted. In the coming weeks, I'll be making and collecting even more articles/posts. All of them, on one blog, for you to enjoy. Making it your one-stop-shop for all things travel.

Also, I suggest you check out this book. It's going to be at the end of the post, it's called: Journeys of a Lifetime: 500 of the World's Greatest Trips. It's chock-full of interesting facts and amazing places to go; all over the world. Buying it from me gives me a small percentage to help me keep my upcoming website alive. -Oh no. That was a secret. I really wasn't supposed to release that yet. Whatever you do, do NOT tell the press about it.

... Actually tell them. Maybe it'll give me some more website AND blog traffic. As a matter of fact, share this blog on your Facebook, Twitter, or other social networking account. That's also located at the right side, near the bottom of the page. Okay, so yeah, tell the press, your family, and friends, and people you meet on street corners about my website that will soon be up. In fact, make a T-shirt with this URL on it: and wear it to your next business meeting and tell your boss all about it.

Oh yeah, while you're at it, go ahead and do all your shopping from this blog, just search Amazon on my portal near the bottom of the page. You pay the same prices you'd normally pay, I just get paid a little bit for every product you buy.

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